Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wormy trouble

I dont know how many people in the world care about what they eat.I definitely dont.Today on the 1st of Jan i am a change man and have decided to give what i eat more attention.I have realized that we live in a world with practically poisons in everything-people,meat,vegetables and most of all fruits.It is time to give up my male ego and start listening to shiva which includes going jogging in the morning ,eating a little less for breakfast and a lot less for lunch and dinner i.e. just eating what is required and not overeating which i usually do as i cant resist any kind of good food.I would rather use the word hog for myself rather than pig.Some say i am 3 months pregnant.. oh well so what if i am.. it does not bother me too much,but finding creepy crawly thingis in my food is not comforting in the least.
Just yesterday i was shopping with my friends at a local reliance mart.Those who know girls know that they arent satisfied until and unless they inspect every square inch of shopping space.In the fruits and vegetables section i saw something i had been craving for.Red juicy strawberries seductively lit up by just the right kind of lights to make them look even more juicy than they were.At 1st i wanted to grab all the remaining 5 packets, but both my wallet and sweetheart adviced me against it.So i took only one.Ever wondered why the strawberry is red and its ice cream is pink?? if anyone knows the answer then please do tell me.
After while i was back in my room with my good friend Mihir watching a movie - "THE GUNS OF NAVRONE"- an awesome movie based on a commando operation carried out during the second world war.If any of you have not watched it yet please do.I decided i will have my strawberries then.So i took the box to the washroom washed them and started eating them.There were just 3 strawberries left and i guess Mihir was also thinking the same thing as me.Who gets the extra berry?? But he graciously stopped eating so i got it.Anyway i was not going to be gracious then.. what the hell its my favorite fruit and i get it once a year.I took a shallow bite into the last berry wanting it to last longer and VOILA!!! there it was a white disgusting worm wriggling around in my favorite fruit.I actually started shivering but then i regained control over myself quickly and threw the piece away.
it was then that i decided that i would from then on carefully inspect what i ate before eating.Until now around 35% of my food went in without being chewed too much.If at all there was a worm i would crush it to pulp before letting it in!! Sounds disgusting... Yuck!!

I have learnt 2 lessons...

1.Do not buy packaged fruits

2.Chew your food properly

Friends please be careful these things can be upto 1mm small and very dangerous.I leave it at that for now....

Happy New year!!!